
Swiss Bank/U.S. Near Tax Settlement.

The U.S. has been aggressively tracking down Swiss accounts since 2008, hoping thereby to severely reduce this method of tax evasion.


Investors Sweet on Tax Havens

These funds took in $301 billion in net new money last year, bringing their total assets to $4.8 trillion, a 6.5 percent growth rate over 2014.


Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

The Canada Revenue Agency quietly turned 155,000 banking records over to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service during last fall’s election, without waiting for an assessment from Canada’s Privacy Commissioner or the outcome of a court challenge to


FATCA exceptions agreed by Swiss and US authorities

Accounts held by the lawyers or notaries of clients in Switzerland are now exempt from the United States’ Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act following the signing of an agreement by the countries’ authorities in February.


FATCA: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

A recent blog post by The Tax Foundation offers compelling data that suggests a strong correlation between the recent spike in U.S citizenship renunciations and the 2010 passage of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.


5 Tax Mistakes Made by Rich People

From failing to understand tax-loss-harvesting rules to a lack of knowledge about international investing laws, these errors cost rich people both money and time.