ESG Hits Historic Low Point After US Investor Exodus From Funds
US fund clients withdrew a net $5.1 billion in the final three months of 2023, according to a fresh analysis by Morningstar Inc.
US fund clients withdrew a net $5.1 billion in the final three months of 2023, according to a fresh analysis by Morningstar Inc.
The eventual impact of the deal will largely depend on its implementation and funding by individual nations and private industry.
The sustainability transition is not just driven by policy, as investors and corporations alike are integrating SI into their portfolios and businesses.
The final allocation saw substantial participation from non-resident investors
The company had raised about $1 billion of equity commitments for its inaugural infrastructure secondaries fund, Vintage Infrastructure Partners, last month.
The funding will also support work to facilitate the transition planning efforts of non-financial sectors of the economy, the Treasury said.
New financing instruments spur concerns over validity of some ‘green’ investments
This transformation is attributed to two significant events.
Whether or not asset managers are “woke,” ESG doesn’t hurt oil companies or provide capital for solutions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, writes Ken Pucker.
Supplier-based emissions are those created by industries that supply fossil fuels to the economy.
This appointment completes KKR’s climate-centric leadership team, which has recently welcomed Emmanuel Lagarrigue and Neil Arora as Co-Heads.
Advisors and wealth managers report increased focus on ESG credentials by clients but is the industry well placed to deliver?
Today is about uniting with our US allies and key enablers, using this world-leading expertise for the benefit of not just our own economies but those that will be most affected by climate change impacts
There are also plans to simply turn up the political heat over the Biden administration's handling of the issue.
Second annual report featuring Santander US commitments and impact across three core pillars: Empowering People and Businesses, Fostering Inclusive Communities, and Supporting the Green Transition
The bulk of the portfolio will be invested in companies with market caps of €45bn and below, and will not align to the MSCI Index
In the past two decades, George Soros invested in vast tracts of farmland worldwide
Apex Group has been selected to support Fund IV with the provision of fund administration and investor reporting solutions.
The political rhetoric from legislators and politicians has continued to ramp up in the past year, with numerous calls that the strategy prioritizes Democratic policies as a form of “woke capitalism.”
Regulation adds complexity to strategy and reporting