
How Bill Ackman Sources New Investment Ideas

“As the business has matured, and I really think it’s a credit to the team and the maturity of the business, many ideas are sourced from members of the team,” Ackman said.


Emigrant Partners Takes Stake in Parallel Advisors

This Parallel/Emigrant combination will also empower us to offer true partnership opportunities through economic incentives and our collaborative culture to attractand retain more of the highest caliber advisors in the industry.


Kingswood acquires Californian wealth management firm

As permitted within the original Sale and Purchase agreement, the remaining Chalice shareholder has exercised their put option over the remaining 15% interest, so on closing Chalice is now wholly owned by Kingswood.


Rockefeller Hires $10-Million Team from Stifel

The team, whose other senior advisor is James J. “Jimmy” Lee, oversaw about $2 billion of assets under management from mostly first-generation entrepreneurs, Moldaver said in an earlier interview.


ZEDRA launches corporate management services in the US

Whatever the reason for having a US vehicle, our clients want to work with a trusted partner, especially in the context of understanding local requirements and keeping the entity in good legal standing from a US and global context.