
Buffett Makes Annual Donation To Bill Gates Foundation

Warren Buffett, the billionaire who pledged to donate most of his wealth to charity, contributed stock valued at $1.52 billion in his annual gift to the foundation created by Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates.


Wanted: female financial advisers

Women are significantly under-represented in the financial planning profession, with only one quarter of financial planners being female. So what are we doing to correct this imbalance?


Defecting US brokers bring along $59 billion assets ‎

“We’re seeing bigger teams now making bold moves and moving to another wirehouse or out of the space completely,” said Alois Pirker, research director at the Boston-based Aite Group, which studies wealth management trends.


Barclays resignations rattle U.S. wealth unit

The venerable British bank was halfway toward completing a $500 million, five-year plan to build a brokerage franchise aimed at wealthy Americans when Robert Diamond, the Massachusetts-born chief executive who authorized the plan, resigned.


Banks Generate $118 Billion in Wealth Management Income

The increase comes despite a lackluster fourth quarter in which wealth management income swooned to $26.11 billion, down 17.8% from $31.75 billion the year before and the industry’s weakest quarter since the beginning of 2009.


Tiger 21 Expands Peer-to-Peer Feedback Program ‎

Since the organization's inception, the Portfolio Defense has become a major part of the membership experience – so much so that TIGER 21 registered "Portfolio Defense" as a trademark in 2009.


Global Wealth Makes Its Move

Private wealth fell 0.9% to $38 trillion in North America in 2011, yet rose 10.7% to $23.7 trillion in the Asia-Pacific region. Welcome to the new reality of a so-called "two-speed world."


Charities Still Love Wall Street Bankers

The master of ceremonies made a mistake as he named John Thain one of the year’s best dads, introducing him as the chief executive officer of Citigroup.