
The Rise And Rise Of Mexican Fintech

The financial services space ticks all the right boxes entrepreneurs look for when launching a company: hard to solve problems, meaningful impact, transformational technologies, clear business models and a solid financing environment


SS&C Technologies Reports Q2 2016 Results

Q2 GAAP revenue $373.1 million, Fully Diluted GAAP Earnings Per share $0.14, Adjusted revenue $384.4 million, Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share $0.39


JPMorgan Chase Urges Asset Managers To Adopt Blockchain

“Unlocking Economic Advantage with Blockchain,” states that the risks of blockchain technology are being disregarded in light of the radical shift it will bring to how the financial industry thinks about assets.“


FIS revamps Bank Leumi USA’s tech platform

In terms of legacy systems that have been replaced, Banking Technology understands these include Montran’s GPS for payments and Lombard Risk’s REG-Reporter for risk management.


Santander Doubles Fintech Investment Fund

This investment doubles the fund, which was set up in 2014 with $100 million to identify promising young fintech startups and provide them with financial support and other resources.