
The Single-Family Office Evolution

“Outsourcing family office services can actually increase control for clients by allowing greater customization in creating the family wealth plan. Ultra-wealthy inheritors are even more likely to be personally involved in shaping the structure of t


Family Office Outlook 2015 - Handler Thayer

Taxpayer flight has increased globally at an unprecedented level as families, capital and businesses continue to exit high-tax and socialist countries, states, provinces, territories, cities, etc. in favor of low-tax and no-tax jurisdictions.


Behavioral Finance in the Private Bank

The first, a liquidity portfolio, insulates a wealth creator’s immediate cash flow needs for three to five years holding, say, cash and short-term muni bonds.


Wealth Management Madness 2015: Round 1 Recap

The closest contest came in the Establishment region, where last year’s champion, the CEO of UBS Group Americas Bob McCann, barely squeaked by Merrill Lynch Wealth Management top dog John Thiel; McCann won by just nine votes and now has to face Well