
Fiduciary rule is creating concern for some, opportunity for others

Smaller adviser firms and solo practitioners that rely largely on a commission-heavy brokerage business may struggle to adapt to the new changes in comparison to their larger counterparts with expansive networks, more resources and large compliance teams


DOL Takes First Step to Fiduciary Rule Review

The move marks the very beginning of a formal review and rule-making process, but it doesn’t automatically lead to a revamp of the original rule, the newswire writes.


When Robos Go Bad

Tom Baker, professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, says robo advisors are not immune from conflicts of interest.


Mexico: Regulations for Capital Repatriation 2017

Please note that the repatriation is about previously undeclared assets, since taxpayers are only forced to pay the mentioned flat rate of amounts that have not paid the corresponding Mexican tax income.


Global transparency

In recent years, significant changes in global finance regulations mean that every investor should re-examine their personal need for such offshore structures.