
When You Should Fire Your Private Banker

Before bouncing a seemingly unsatisfactory financial advisor, do some soul searching. Sometimes the biggest issue in your relationship could be your expectations.


3 Things Family Offices Do Better Than Pension Fund Investors

Where do the super rich go to manage their money? Often times, the needs of wealthy people cannot be met with a financial advisor or bank, thus the creation of the family office – a vehicle reserved to manage the financial and personal affairs of a


Protecting Privacy In A Divorce

For Celebrity Clients, Professionals and Wealthy individuals, Even Backroom Meetings With Judges Can Become Front Page News.


CIBC seeks to expand U.S. holdings

CIBC is eyeing acquisitions in the private banking and wealth management business south of the border, chief executive Victor Dodig said as the bank reported its fourth-quarter results.


Smarter Ways to Work With the Stars

Celebrities are the types of clients many advisors only dream of working with. At one firm, these clients -- and the advisors who serve them -- are getting increased attention.