
SEC's crypto hedge fund probe is healthy for the industry

A hedge fund is essentially the only viable fund management vehicle for crypto investing, and it will probably be that way for some time, as digital assets are unlikely to fall within the purview of mutual funds or traditional money managers for the near


Regulator planning to look under hedge funds' hoods

While examiners could call in enforcement investigators in case they see red flags, their main objective is to inform how the SEC’s rules should address the burgeoning field of cryptocurrency investment.


UBS Settles New York Probe

Additional resources will be dedicated to helping communities transform their code enforcement systems and invest in land banks.


Morningstar and Prudential Win RICO Suit Dismissal

The unsuccessful challenge was viewed as somewhat unique amid the glut of retirement industry litigation because it cited the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Law of 1970, known as RICO.