
Storm Warning

In the midst of one of the more unusual droughts, it may seem odd to be giving a storm warning


The Most Powerful Company You've Never Heard of: Meet CME Group

Think of powerful, multi-billion dollar corporations, and many come readily to mind. Wal-Mart. General Electric. Exxon Mobil. Bank of America. McDonald's. Apple. We recognize their logos, know what they sell and how to buy it -- or how to not buy it


All Women Need to Do is Push Back

FINS caught up with Rezvani, 34, to chat about why negotiation isn't as frightening as it seems and what can be done to nudge women in the right direction.


Does your fund manager really protect your interest?

American shareholders have a say on the pay of corporate executives and across the West, institutional shareholders take an active interest in the way managements run companies. Still, the Citi revolt took every Wall Street watcher by surprise.


Let's Stop Redistributing Wealth and Enact Sound Fiscal Policy

The problems with the American economy are deep and complex. They are rooted in decades and decades of kicking the can down the road and using band-aids to mask the real consequences of certain policies, rather than enduring the pain of viable solutions.


Survey: Most singles would choose love over money

Men make more risky investments, have more regret: 28.4% men vs. only 15.3% of women said they had made a risky investment with their money; in turn 80.4% of men said they also had made a recent financial decision they regretted vs. only 74.2% of women.


Software without the technology headaches

The industry is buzzing with new technology; and with new technology comes new buzzwords and phrases! “Cloud Computing”, “Software on Demand”, “Software as a Service”.


Feeding the Dragon by Justin Urquhart Stewart

The Year of the Water Dragon, whilst normally providing good joss for those followers of Chinese astrology, is also proving to be a challenging one on various fronts.


The Science and Art of Investing Can Harm Your Returns

The complex details are exhaustively set forth in the report. No one could quarrel with the stated goal, which is “to add alpha, or risk-adjusted excess returns, of greater than 2 percent annually to readily available indexes over a market cycle.&am


How the top bankers earn their fat salaries

Gary Dugan, chief investment officer for private banking at Emirates NBD, is primarily responsible for the investment products and portfolios of the bank's high-net-worth clients.