
Je ne regret rien by Gary Dugan

The fact that the US needs the rest of the world to buy its debt to fund its largesse of overspending and nonsense tax cuts is of course forgotten.


Should retirees spend more and worry less?

Study found more than half of retired Australians restrict their spending to less than what the age pension would provide, and many, possibly up to a third, live in poverty. This is not what successful retirement looks like.


17 investment advisers offer likes, dislikes and insights

Likes: Emerging markets, including China; dividend-paying U.S. stocks; global Real Estate Investment Trusts; McDonald's; Johnson & Johnson; Chevron Dislikes: High-yield corporate bonds; U.S. industrials like Boeing and Caterpillar


Protect Your Wealth Against The Law Of Unintended Consequences

The United States is the strongest, most prosperous country on the planet. This has been made possible only by free markets and the rule of law. But even the U.S. is not immune to the unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies. I believe gold is


10 Strategies to Protect Ultra-High Net worth Family Wealth

Although it would take exceptional levels of irresponsibility, or a major financial catastrophe to develop financial issues, such as foreclosure or bankruptcy with this sort of wealth, it’s not something that’s unheard of.


African Americans underserved by US banks

Many African Americans have difficulty accumulating savings in part because they lack access to mainstream financial services like banking, a new study on the contributing factors to the U.S. racial wealth gap by McKinsey & Co found on Tuesday Read mo