Verdun Perry, Senior Managing Director and Co-Head of Strategic Partners, said: “We have one of the widest footprints in all of private equity.
Horse Ridge, though, has a hook the others cannot match: It stores wine in its nuclear bomb shelters.
Multi-strategy funds proved to be the most popular, according to Preqin’s 2018 Global Hedge Fund Report, attracting net inflows of USD24.2 billion.
The firm, a subsidiary of hedge fund shop Canyon Partners, specializes in structured credit investments such as collateralized loan obligations and mortgage-backed securities.
One area of technology that SS&C GlobeOp continues to focus on is artificial intelligence, Fullerton confirms, as fund administrators throughout the industry look for ways to automate activities and tasks that were once manually performed.
Most of these callers, wanting a less violent world, had set a goal of extricating from their portfolios any holdings of gun makers’ stock, says Long, who is an advisor, principal and research director at Chicago-based DiMeo Schneider & Associat
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