The New York attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, announced a $7 million settlement with Mr. Rosen on Tuesday for failing to pay taxes on $80 million in artwork that he had bought or commissioned since 2002.
JPMorgan Chase & Co, the largest US lender by assets, said the Justice Department's criminal division is among regulators investigating its hiring practices in Asia.
As a starting point, Samuel’s presentation provided a history and overview of the Cayman’s legal framework with emphasis on the cooperative efforts it has made to lead by example in the international financial community.
Under the rules, banks that have had their plans rejected have 90 days to revise their plans, unless regulators decide to shorten or lengthen that time frame.
The documents, which have come to be known as the Panama Papers, contained information on about 214,000 offshore companies and showed how individuals and corporations were able to hide assets and avoid taxes.