
Phoenix-based investment adviser and firm with fraud - SEC

Both investments later failed. And when Clarke’s own financial problems prompted him to sell a stake in Oxford to a client, he fraudulently inflated the value of his firm by at least $1.5 million to make the client overpay by at least $112,000.


Lawyers making out the most in Madoff case

The operations led by liquidator Irving Picard, the New York attorney in charge of recovering the huge sums cheated by now-jailed Wall Street high-flyer Bernie Madoff are burning up the cash almost as fast as they can recover it, a new report on his websi


SEC Sues Hedge Fund Execs for Ponzi Scam

The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged two individuals who provided the biggest influx of investor funds into one of the largest-ever Ponzi schemes in South Florida.


BofA tells judge MBIA split must be annulled

Robert Giuffra, a lawyer for Bank of America Corp and Societe Generale, made the argument in his opening statement in a case the banks brought against MBIA and the state insurance department to overturn the 2009 restructuring.